Oumnya Benhassou

Oumnya Benhassou

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

You have the freedom to cancel your subscription at any

Do I need a credit card to sign up?

No, signing up for CloudStation is completely free, and our

Do I need DevOps expertise to use CloudStation

No! CloudStation is designed for simplicity, allowing you to set

Where does CloudStation store my data?

CloudStation stores your account data in the EU, protected by

Which cloud providers does CloudStation support?

CloudStation is currently partnered with Azure, AWS, OVH, GCP and

How does CloudStation charge me?

Our billing is simple and transparent: CloudStation charges you for

Release Note - 21/01/2024

Our latest CloudStation release is here, packed with awesome new

Release Note - 11/12/2023

#Our latest CloudStation release is here, packed with awesome new