A Comprehensive Guide to Deploying Your Spliit Expense Tracker on CloudStation

A Comprehensive Guide to Deploying Your Spliit Expense Tracker on CloudStation
A Comprehensive Guide to Deploying Your Spliit Expense Tracker on CloudStation


Welcome to another exciting tutorial! Today, we're diving into the world of group expense trackers with the Spliit application and showing you how easy it is to deploy it on CloudStation. Whether you're managing expenses for a group trip, a shared apartment, or a team project, Spliit can come in handy. Luckily, deploying it has never been simpler, thanks to CloudStation—a developer-friendly platform that lets you focus on code while it handles the infrastructure.


Before we dive in, make sure you have a CloudStation account. If you haven't signed up yet, you can do so here.

Step-by-Step Deployment Process

Step 1: Sign Into CloudStation and Create Project

Let's get started by signing into your CloudStation account and creating a new project.

  1. Navigate to the CloudStation Dashboard.
  2. Click on Create New Project.
  3. Name your project and proceed to the next step.

This is your starting point—you're just a few clicks away from deploying your Spliit application!

Step 2: Choose Spliit Template and Deploy

Once your project is created, it's time to choose the template for the Spliit application and deploy it.

  1. Within your new project, click on Add New and select Template.
  2. Search for and select the Spliit template.
  3. Choose a subdomain for your app, something like myspliit, and click Deploy.

And just like that, CloudStation will take care of the rest, deploying the Spliit application to your specified subdomain.

Step 3: Configure and Access Your App

With the application deployed, let's now configure it and access it.

  • Your application will be accessible at https://myspliit.cloud-station.app (replace myspliit with your chosen subdomain).
  • After deployment, you can enable the auto-deployment feature that will automatically update your app whenever there are changes to the repository.

Step 4: Customize and Update

Customization is key! Here's how you can make updates to your application:

  1. Fork the Repository (Optional): If you want to make changes to the application, head over to the Spliit repository and click the Fork button to create your own copy.
  2. Make any necessary changes in your forked repository and push them.
  3. CloudStation will then automatically rebuild and redeploy your application. No manual intervention required!

Watch the video below for a step-by-step walkthrough of the deployment process:

Watch the video below for a step-by-step walkthrough of the deployment process


Even the simplest processes can sometimes face hiccups. Here are a few common issues and how to resolve them:

  • Deployment Failed: Ensure your application repository has the correct structure and all required files.
  • Changes Not Reflecting: Make sure auto-deployment is enabled and your GitHub repository is correctly linked to CloudStation.

Key Features and Benefits

Deploying your Spliit Expense Tracker on CloudStation is packed with perks:

  • Ease of Use: CloudStation handles all the heavy lifting, letting you focus on your code without worrying about infrastructure.
  • Auto-Deployment: Enable auto-deployment to automatically update your application with the latest changes from your repository.
  • Seamless Integration: Directly connect to your GitHub repository for hassle-free deployments.
  • Customization: Fork the repository to make your own changes and see them live instantly.


We hope this guide has shown you just how easy it is to deploy the Spliit Expense Tracker on CloudStation. From creating a new project to customizing your app, CloudStation simplifies the entire process, enabling you to deploy applications effortlessly. Ready to take your Spliit app live? Head over to CloudStation and start deploying today!

For more detailed instructions and resources, visit our Documentation. Happy coding!